The law office concept is supposed to give clients an easy, cost-saving and qualifyed first acces to a lawyer. The beginning counseling interview costs therefore 50,- Euro.
If you have limited financial resources you will get a „Beratungshilfeschein“ at the district court for your legal issue. In that case the beginning counseling interview is without extra payment from your side. In social law issues my complete legal activity is in case of sufficient chance of success generally without extra payment from your side, since the fees are paid in generally within the framework of „Beratungshilfe“, „Prozesskostenhilfe“ or the opposite party.
To my „non German“ clients belong mainly EU-Citizens, which were denied from the Jobcenter regarding their application for „Hartz 4“. In these cases there are good chances to reicive prelimary „Hartz IV“ based on preliminary court orders from the Social Court Berlin. Many Judges of the Social Court Berlin represent the opinion, that EU-Citizens may be entitled to „Hartz IV“ based on european law.
You are welcome to call me in advance to briefly and noncommittally describe your case.
The law office is operated as a „streetoffice“ in the Königin-Elisabeth-Str. 58, 14059 Berlin.
(Near to the Junction Spandauer Damm). Public transportation stopps nearby are: S-Bahnhof Berlin Westend, U-Bahnhof Kaiserdamm, Bus M 45 Haltestelle Königin-Elisabeth-Straße / Spandauer Damm